//Be-200ChS FS9 FD Files Ver 1.2 ( Modificati il 25 Jan 2010 )

Ref 1: Jane's All The World's Aircraft 2002-2003 Ed
Ref 2: Be-200 3-view drawing
Ref 3: Various Internet sites


title  = Beriev Be-200
sim    = be200
model  =
panel  =
sound  =

visual_damage= 0

kb_reference =

atc_heavy        = 0
atc_airline      =
atc_flight_number= 0001
atc_id           = 32767

ui_manufacturer= Beriev
ui_type        = Be-200ChS
ui_variation   = Russian Emergencies Ministry (MChS) firefighting version

Description=The Be-200 is a versatile amphibious platform easily configured for a variety of missions including fire fighting, search and rescue, maritime patrol, cargo and passenger transportation. The prototype's first flight was on September 24, 1998. On July 31, 2003 the first serial aircraft was delivered to Russia's EMERCOM, which will take delivery of seven Be-200 in fire-fighting and rescue variants. 


title  = Beriev Be-200 SARV
sim    = be200
model  =
panel  =
sound  =

visual_damage= 0

kb_reference =

atc_heavy        = 0
atc_airline      =
atc_flight_number= 0002
atc_id           = I-EMSC

ui_manufacturer= Beriev
ui_type        = Be-200ChS
ui_variation   = SAR Virtual Antincendio

Description=The Be-200 is a versatile amphibious platform easily configured for a variety of missions including fire fighting, search and rescue, maritime patrol, cargo and passenger transportation. The prototype's first flight was on September 24, 1998. On July 31, 2003 the first serial aircraft was delivered to Russia's EMERCOM, which will take delivery of seven Be-200 in fire-fighting and rescue variants. 


Performance=Length: 103 ft 1.5 in.\nHeight: 29 ft 2.5 in.\nWing Span: 107 ft 6.5 in.\nWing Area: 1,264.2 sq ft.\nEngines: Two ZMKB Progress D436TP turbofans.\nPower: 16,550 lbst at sea level.\nEmpty Weight: 60,847 lb.\nMTO Weight: 82,011 lb.\nMax Landing Weight: 77,160 lb.\nMax Water capacity: 26,455 lb.\nMax Cruise Speed: 435 mph at 9,840 ft.\nEconomical Cruise Speed: 373 mph at 9,840 ft.\nStall Speed (clean): 134 mph IAS.\nInitial Climb Rate: 2,755 fpm at sea level.\nService Ceiling: 26,240 ft.\nMax Fuel Range: 2,392 mi.

atc_type = Beriev 
atc_model= Be-200 
editable = 0 


cruise_lift_scalar         = 1.0
parasite_drag_scalar       = 1.0
induced_drag_scalar        = 1.0
elevator_effectiveness     = 1.0
aileron_effectiveness      = 1.0
rudder_effectiveness       = 1.0
elevator_trim_effectiveness= 1.0
aileron_trim_effectiveness = 1.0
rudder_trim_effectiveness  = 1.0
pitch_stability            = 1.0
roll_stability             = 1.0
yaw_stability              = 1.0
hi_alpha_on_roll           = 1.0				//At high AoA
hi_alpha_on_yaw            = 1.0				//At high AoA
p_factor_on_yaw            = 0.0				//Prop induced
torque_on_roll             = 0.0				//Prop induced
gyro_precession_on_roll    = 0.0				//Prop induced
gyro_precession_on_yaw     = 0.0				//Prop induced


reference_datum_position=  2.10, 0.0, 2.0			//FS Datum wrt Mdl Datum
empty_weight_CG_position= -7.48, 0.0, 0.0			//At C of Lift

CG_forward_limit=  1.0
CG_aft_limit    = -1.0

empty_weight    = 60847.0			//Ref 3
max_gross_weight= 94800.0			//Ref 1 (after water scooping)

empty_weight_roll_MOI   =  323108.0		//MOIs calc as per Goodrick
empty_weight_pitch_MOI  =  683395.0
empty_weight_yaw_MOI    = 1031164.0
empty_weight_coupled_MOI=       0.0

max_number_of_stations= 3

station_load.0= 170.0, 31.0,  1.0, -4.8, Pilot
station_load.1= 170.0, 31.0, -1.0, -4.8, Co-pilot
station_load.2=   0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0, Payload


fuel_type               = 2
number_of_tank_selectors= 2
electric_pump           = 1

Center1  = -7.3,   0.0,  0.0,  539.6, 3.0	//Max fuel wgt 27,025 lb - Ref 1
LeftMain = -7.3, -14.0, -0.6, 1747.0, 3.0
RightMain= -7.3,  14.0, -0.6, 1747.0, 3.0


static_pitch    = -1.5
static_cg_height= 14.5

gear_system_type= 1
tailwheel_lock  = 0

max_number_of_points= 14
	//0  Class
        //1  Longitudinal Position        (feet)
        //2  Lateral Position             (feet)
        //3  Vertical Position            (feet)
        //4  Impact Damage Threshold      (Feet Per Minute)
        //5  Brake Map                   (0=None, 1=Left, 2=Right)
        //6  Wheel Radius                (feet)
        //7  Steer Angle                  (degrees)
        //8  Static Compression           (feet)  (0 if rigid)
        //9  Max/Static Compression Ratio
        //10 Damping Ratio               (0=Undamped, 1=Critically Damped)
        //11 Extension Time              (seconds)
        //12 Retraction Time             (seconds)
        //13 Sound Type

//wheels corrected value
point.0 = 1,  25.49,   0.00, -15.73, 2200, 0, 1.10, 45.0, 0.525, 2.00, 0.90, 10.0, 10.0, 0, 220.0, 270.0
point.1 = 1, -12.45,  -7.47, -16.80, 2200, 1, 1.68,  0.0, 1.397, 1.25, 0.90, 11.0, 15.0, 2, 220.0, 270.0
point.2 = 1, -12.45,   7.47, -16.80, 2000, 2, 1.68,  0.0, 1.397, 1.25, 0.90, 11.0, 15.0, 3, 220.0, 270.0
point.3 = 4, -32.50,   3.00,  -9.10, 3000, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.95, 2.50, 0.65,  0.0,  0.0, 1,   0.0,   0.0
point.4 = 4, -32.50,  -3.00,  -9.10, 3000, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.95, 2.50, 0.65,  0.0,  0.0, 1,   0.0,   0.0
point.5 = 4,  38.00,   3.00, -11.30, 3000, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.95, 2.50, 0.65,  0.0,  0.0, 1,   0.0,   0.0
point.6 = 4,  38.00,  -3.00, -11.30, 3000, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.95, 2.50, 0.65,  0.0,  0.0, 1,   0.0,   0.0
point.7 = 4, -15.05, -41.85,  -6.35, 3000, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.95, 2.50, 0.65,  0.0,  0.0, 1,   0.0,   0.0
point.8 = 4, -15.05,  41.85,  -6.35, 3000, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.95, 2.50, 0.65,  0.0,  0.0, 1,   0.0,   0.0
//water rudder
point.9 = 5, -51.54,   0.00,  -7.84, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.5,  0.5, 1,   0.0,   0.0	
point.10= 2, -21.55, -53.62,  -0.50, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.0,  0.0, 5,   0.0,   0.0
point.11= 2, -21.55,  53.62,  -0.50, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.0,  0.0, 6,   0.0,   0.0
point.12= 2, -61.80,   0.00,  15.40, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.00, 0.00  0.00,  0.0,  0.0, 9,   0.0,   0.0
point.13= 2,  41.45,   0.00,  -7.30, 1800, 0, 0.00,  0.0, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,  0.0,  0.0, 4,   0.0,   0.0


parking_brake             = 1
toe_brakes_scale          = 1.0
differential_braking_scale= 1.0


eyepoint= 33.3, -1.8, -3.2						//ACM


wing_winglets_flag      = 1
spoilerons_available    = 0
spoiler_handle_available= 1
wing_area                  = 1264.20				//Ref 1
wing_span                  =  107.54				//Ref 1
wing_root_chord            =   19.75				//Ref 2
wing_dihedral              =    0.00				//Ref 2
wing_incidence             =    1.30				//
wing_twist                 =   -1.30				//
oswald_efficiency_factor   =    0.88				//1.0 for theoretical perfect wing
wing_sweep                 =   23.22				//Ref 1
wing_pos_apex_lon          =    4.92				//Ref 2
wing_pos_apex_vert         =    0.00				//On FS Datum
htail_area                 =  268.25				//Ref 1
htail_span                 =   33.19				//Ref 1
htail_pos_lon              =  -47.92				//Ref 2
htail_pos_vert             =   13.67				//Ref 2
htail_incidence            =    0.00				//
htail_sweep                =   25.10				//Ref 2
vtail_area                 =  185.15				//Ref 1
vtail_span                 =   15.50				//Ref 2
vtail_sweep                =   28.00				//Ref 2
vtail_pos_lon              =  -40.17				//Ref 2
vtail_pos_vert             =    0.00				//Ref 2
elevator_area              =   74.92				//Ref 1
aileron_area               =   38.32				//Ref 1
rudder_area                =   49.52				//Ref 1
elevator_up_limit          =   30.00
elevator_down_limit        =   24.00
aileron_up_limit           =   27.00
aileron_down_limit         =   24.00
rudder_limit               =   24.00
elevator_trim_limit        =   22.00
spoiler_limit              =   90.00
aileron_to_spoileron_gain  =    0.00
min_ailerons_for_spoilerons=    0.00
min_flaps_for_spoilerons   =    0.00


type          =   1					//Outboard Trailing Edge Flaps
system_type   =   1
lift_scalar   =   1.00
drag_scalar   =   1.00
pitch_scalar  =   1.00
span-outboard =   0.35					//Ref 2
extending-time=  20.00
damaging-speed= 250.00
blowout-speed = 300.00

flaps-position.0=  0.0
flaps-position.1= 10.0, 250.0
flaps-position.2= 15.0, 250.0
flaps-position.3= 20.0, 250.0
flaps-position.4= 40.0, 250.0


type          =   1					//Inboard Trailing Edge Flaps
system_type   =   1
lift_scalar   =   1.00
drag_scalar   =   1.00
pitch_scalar  =   1.00
span-outboard =   0.23					//Ref 2
extending-time=  20.00
damaging-speed= 250.00
blowout-speed = 300.00

flaps-position.0=  0.0
flaps-position.1= 10.0, 250.0
flaps-position.2= 15.0, 250.0
flaps-position.3= 20.0, 250.0
flaps-position.4= 40.0, 250.0


type          =   2					//Leading Edge Slats
system_type   =   1
lift_scalar   =   1.0
drag_scalar   =   1.0
pitch_scalar  =   1.0
span-outboard =   0.8					//Ref 2
extending-time=  10.0
damaging-speed= 250.0
blowout-speed = 300.0

flaps-position.0=  0.0
flaps-position.1= 18.0, 250.0
flaps-position.2= 22.0, 250.0
flaps-position.3= 22.0, 250.0
flaps-position.4= 22.0, 250.0


engine_type       =  1
fuel_flow_scalar  =  0.60
min_throttle_limit= -0.25

engine.0= -27.1, -8.0, 3.75						//Ref 2
engine.1= -27.1,  8.0, 3.75						//Ref 2


thrust_scalar= 1.0 


afterburner_available= 0 
reverser_available   = 1 
fuel_flow_gain       =     0.003 
inlet_area           =    18.500 
rated_N2_rpm         = 29920.000 
static_thrust        = 16550.000					//Ref 1


electric_always_available    =   0
engine_generator_map         =   1,1,0,0
max_battery_voltage          =  24.0
generator_alternator_voltage =  28.0
max_generator_alternator_amps= 200.0

additional_system = 0, 20, 17
autopilot         = 0,  5, 17
avionics_bus      = 0, 10, 17
avionics          = 1,  5, 17
directional_gyro  = 0,  5, 17
fuel_pump         = 0,  5, 17
fuel_transfer_pump= 0,  5, 17
gear_warning      = 0,  2, 17
hydraulic_pump    = 0,  2, 17
light_nav         = 0,  5, 17
light_beacon      = 0,  5, 17
light_landing     = 0,  5, 17
light_taxi        = 0,  5, 17
light_strobe      = 0,  5, 17
light_panel       = 0,  5, 17
marker_beacon     = 1,  2, 17
pitot_heat        = 0,  2, 17
starter1          = 0, 20, 17
starter2          = 0, 20, 17


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 3, -17.81, -52.56,  -0.50, fx_navredm
light.1 = 3, -17.81,  52.56,  -0.50, fx_navgrem
light.2 = 3, -54.60,   0.00,  -0.94, fx_navwhi
light.3 = 2, -18.10, -52.78,  -0.50, fx_strobeh
light.4 = 2, -18.10,  52.78,  -0.50, fx_strobeh
light.5 = 1, -51.90,   0.00,  16.34, fx_beacon
light.6 = 4,  34.30,   0.00,  -4.20, fx_vclighth
light.7 = 4,  33.25,   0.00,  -2.57, fx_vclighth
light.8 = 5,  -9.75,  23.62,  -1.73, fx_landing
light.9 = 5,  -9.75, -23.62,  -1.73, fx_landing


Audio.1      = 1 
Com.1        = 1, 1 
Com.2        = 1, 1 
Nav.1        = 1, 1, 1 
Nav.2        = 1, 1, 0 
Adf.1        = 1 
Transponder.1= 1 
Marker.1     = 1 


electric_pumps = 0
engine_map     = 1,1,0,0
normal_pressure= 3000.0					//Ref 1


windshield_rain_effect_available= 1
wake     = fx_wake
water    = fx_spray
dirt     = fx_tchdrt
concrete = fx_sparks
touchdown= fx_tchdwn_s, 1

// effetto scarico acqua
smoke.0= -11.96, -17.5,  3.01, fx_water_dump		//Vert, Fore-aft, Lat
smoke.1= -11.96, -17.5, -3.01, fx_water_dump
smoke.2= -12.53,  -2.9,  3.01, fx_water_dump
smoke.3= -12.53,  -2.9, -3.01, fx_water_dump


number_of_exits= 2
exit_rate.0    = 0.3
exit_rate.1    = 0.5


cable_force_adjust= 1.0			//used for water drop system
tailhook_length   = 5.0
tailhook_position = -42.5, 0.0, -9.2


wing_fold_system_type= 4		//used for folding landing lights
fold_rates           = 0.08, 0.09


gear_warning_available=  2
pct_throttle_limit    =  0.1
flap_limit_power      = 20.1
flap_limit_idle       = 13.0


type= 1


vertical_speed_time_constant= 1.0                //Increasing value causes more 						// instantaneous VSI reaction


attitude_indicator.0= 1


direction_indicator.0= 3,0 


turn_indicator.0= 1,0

// variazioni rispetto aircraft.cfg originale

autopilot_available			= 1
flight_director_available		= 1
default_vertical_speed			= 1800.0
autothrottle_available			= 1
autothrottle_arming_required		= 1

autothrottle_max_rpm 			= 90	   // era 100
autothrottle_takeoff_ga			= 0        // era 1 
max_throttle_rate			=0.10
pitch_takeoff_ga 			= 8;
max_pitch				=10.0
max_pitch_acceleration			=1.0
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt		=2.0
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt		=1.5
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint	=20000.0
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint	=28000.0
max_bank				=25.0
max_bank_acceleration			=1.8
max_bank_velocity			=3.00

nav_proportional_control		=11.00	    //era9.0
nav_integrator_control			=0.20	    //era 0.25
nav_derivative_control			=0.00
nav_integrator_boundary			=2.50
nav_derivative_boundary			=0.00
gs_proportional_control			=9.52
gs_integrator_control			=0.26
gs_derivative_control			=0.00
gs_integrator_boundary			=0.70
gs_derivative_boundary			=0.00
yaw_damper_gain 			= 1.0


stick_shaker_magnitude   =    2000
stick_shaker_direction   =       0
stick_shaker_period      =  111111
gear_bump_nose_magnitude =    1000
gear_bump_nose_direction =   18000
gear_bump_nose_duration  =  250000
gear_bump_left_magnitude =    2000
gear_bump_left_direction =   35500
gear_bump_left_duration  =  250000
gear_bump_right_magnitude=    2000
gear_bump_right_direction=     500
gear_bump_right_duration =  250000
ground_bumps_magnitude1  =    1250
ground_bumps_angle1      =    8900
ground_bumps_intercept1  =       5.0
ground_bumps_slope1      =       0.48
ground_bumps_magnitude2  =     450
ground_bumps_angle2      =    9100
ground_bumps_intercept2  =       0.075
ground_bumps_slope2      =       1.0
crash_magnitude1         =    2000
crash_direction1         =    1000
crash_magnitude2         =    2000
crash_direction2         =    9000
crash_period2            =    7500
crash_duration2          = 2500000


elevator= 150.0, 250.0
aileron = 150.0, 500.0
rudder  = 150.0, 500.0

[Reference Speeds]

full_flaps_stall_speed=  84.00				//(KTAS) Ref 1
flaps_up_stall_speed  = 116.00				//(KTAS) Ref 1
cruise_speed          = 383.00				//(KTAS) Ref 1
max_indicated_speed   = 350.00				//(KIAS) Ref 1
max_mach              =   0.69				//Ref 1